Over the last few months, my King Island band, Yentl As Anything, got published twice in the King Island Courier! The first issue was on January 21st because of our gig on Australia Day in Naracoopa. Only recently, for our gig last month, Yentl As Anything got published again.
It is outstanding as a traveller from Belgium coming to Australia and King Island without any former contacts. An achievement that makes me very proud. I shared both articles on this page. For the audience that has yet to see a King Island Courier: I’ll attach the issue with our publication underneath.
I left King Island a couple of months ago. However, I went back twice to play with my favourite band members. Chances are high it will happen again, and we secretly made even bigger plans. It’s likely not the last time the band gets published, and maybe not the last time we play.
Wade, Tom, Daniel and Jess, you guys rock! It has been a great time playing in this band. It’s always such a lovely time getting back to the island and meeting with the band crew members.

Do you want to know more about Yentl’s life as a musician? Check out the Music, Projects and Online Education pages. Are you enjoying these Yentl As Anything updates? Please let us know in the comments below. To keep up-to-date with future music posts, follow us on Facebook and Instagram, or subscribe to our newsletter. We can’t build this platform without our readers, so we thank you for your continued support. Stay tuned for many more to come!