What are Permutations?

Technically speaking, permutations and combinations are the same. The difference between both, mathematically speaking, is that combinations can occur randomly. In permutations, all these combinations follow a particular order. The Permutations used on the website start on the first beat or dot. Afterwards, that first dot will move one step to the right. Once all the first dot combinations occur, the first dot returns to get the second dot. The same pattern keeps repeating until all variations have systematically passed the revue, creating permutations. For example: if there are three beats, there are three combinations with a single black dot: beats 1, 2 and 3. If we add a second black dot, there are three combinations with double dots: beats 1-2, 1-3 and 2-3. Adding a third black dot means that all the white dots are full, creating permutations. If we evenly divide numbers, we speak of rhythmical matrices.

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Why Permutations?

Recording the performance through the GoPro

In my third year of performing arts university, I realised how positively Permutations could affect my music and drumming abilities. I had always been looking for ways to improve my playing skills without just reading classical music notation, and that’s the year I found the solution. One of the reasons I combined my classical studies with jazz is because of the drum teacher in the jazz department. He used these methods for jazz drumming, and I needed to learn these. My world had opened up. Although initially, we only used these permutations for jazz exercises. With my classical background, I realised how this could change how I study and teach music. It is not that Permutations teach different things. Permutations are an easier way of introducing many things simultaneously without the student realising how much they are learning until later in their music career. It is creating better musicians.


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Permutation Posts

eBook – Rhythmic Permutations

My first eBook, Rhythmic Permutations, is full of visualised rhythmical possibilities. Explore the rhythmical options

Permutations: 4 – 5 – 6 – 7

Free download of the four, five, six and seven-dotted permutations. The perfect rhythmical exercise structures