Re-harmonisation – Rhythm Change
The first section in the first collum illustrates a fundamental rhythm change. Imaj7 – VIm7 – IIm7 – V7, where the Imaj7 can be replaced by an IIIm7 whenever wanted. Although, this is only possible when the changes from the third collum are also applied. The second section replaces all the previously given chords in a dominant-7 chord. The third collum adds IIm7 – V7 to all those chords. For example, adding the first three columns together can result in this: Imaj7 (section 1) – VI7 (section 2) – VIm7-II7 (section 3) -VII7 (section 2, third collum) – IIIm7 (section 1). Sections four and five add diminished and triton chords to the rhythm changes. The second collum puts the theory into practise by presenting a rhythm change re-harmonisation in Cmaj.
About Me:
In 2017, I finished two university studies at the Luca School Of Arts in Leuven, Belgium. My first degree is a master’s degree in drums and percussion. The second degree is a bachelor’s in jazz studies. As a part of graduating in jazz studies, I followed a course focussing on singing over a rhythm change and their re-harmonisations. At first, we learned how to sing over the fundamental rhythm change. Secondly, we kept extending the structures until we had multiple levels of re-harmonisation. I might one day publish the singing exercises here on my website. For now, I’ll stick with one of the papers that helped me prepare for my exams back then. This is my cheat sheet for re-harmonisations on rhythm changes! It got me through my exams, so I hope it can also be helpful for other people 🙂
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