Permutations: Rhythmical Matrix
Some of my upcoming drum lessons will contain rhythmical permutations and matrixes. Therefore I want to share the rhythmical matrix of dividing 8 into three groups. It is a matrix that I find incredibly useful when practising standard rock beats on drums. It gives a clear overview of all the sixteenth notes in a 2/4 time signature of all the eight in a 4/4 time signature. There are plenty of exercises that you can make out of this rhythmical matrix. I’ll make sure to post some of them here in the future! However, if you have ever been a student of my drum classes, you undoubtful know how to use this matrix.
Rhythmical Matrix – 12 in 3 and 2
Rhythmical matrixes are guiding maps to permutate specific time signatures or rhythmical values. It is thereby not important what the outcome value is for the rhythms. Moreover, it is a mathematical map to visualize variations and combinations. When dividing a specific rhythmical value, the number that it will be divided in cannot be higher than the rhythmical value itself, as simply no more variations exist. The number 12 gives multiple options. Three groups of sixteenth notes or four groups of triplets are the most used options. But, it can be helpful in whichever setting is helpful for the player himself. Have fun exploring the possibilities of this matrix!
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